Differences in landscape evolution between two Pre-pyrenean municipalities (Alquézar and Valle de Lierp) during the second half of the 20th century


  • T. Lasanta Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC)
  • O. Beltrán Universitat de Barcelona
  • I. Vaccaro McGill University




Leisure industry, mountains urbanization, territorial impacts of the ski, Pyrenees


This article assesses the territorial impact of the ski industry in two areas of the Spanish Pyrenees (Aragon Pyrenees and the Catalan High Pyrenees). By analyzing the changes on demographic dynamics and structure, economic portfolio, and evolution of the built structure of these areas since the construction of the ski resorts, we, firstly, identify a trend towards urbanization emerging in these areas, and secondly, that this trend unfolds in two different models: around the ski resorts at the northern end of valleys in the Aragon study site, and in regional centers at the bottom of the main valleys in the Catalan High Pyrenees. In this fashion the ski industry, which offers seasonal services to a mostly urban clientele, contributes to the redefinition of peripheral rural areas taking into account urban needs. The towns, by the ski resorts in Aragon, and in the bottom of the valleys in Catalonia, have grown to become small nodes of a large network that expands the physical, economic and cultural influence of the low lands cities over the Spanish mountains.


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How to Cite

Lasanta, T., Beltrán, O., & Vaccaro, I. (2013). Differences in landscape evolution between two Pre-pyrenean municipalities (Alquézar and Valle de Lierp) during the second half of the 20th century. Pirineos, 168, 103–128. https://doi.org/10.3989/Pirineos.2013.168006




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