Methodological proposal 360º for the evaluation of overcrowding in mountain peaks. A case study




Overcrowding, visitors’ flow, carrying capacity, mountain peaks


The activity of nature tourism has shown a constant worldwide growth which, accentuated by the post-confinement situation, has highlighted the problem of overcrowding in some vulnerable environments as mountain peaks. The objective of this work is to present an holistic methodological proposal for the evaluation of overcrowding on these peaks. In this case, the methodology was applied in Pica d’ Estats, Alt Pirineu Natural Park (APNP). The 360º methodological proposal for the Evaluation of Overcrowding on Mountain Peaks (EOMP) was developed taking into account five stages: i) identification of the visitors’ flow; ii) characterization of the visitor’s generic profile; iii) determination of the tourist carrying capacity; iv) objectification of overcrowding; v) transfer of knowledge and decision making. The main results obtained in the application of the EOMP proposed in this case study are: i) the identification of the objective presence of levels of overcrowding on the peak during the summer months of July and August, which allowed progress to be made in the participative design of three main lines of action: a) consolidation of the offer b) deployment of the offer c) regulation of vehicles on the access track and ii) as regards the methodological design itself, the verification of the viability and functionality of the proposal supported by the EOMP as an optimal and effective tool in the monitoring and management of public use on mountain peaks.


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How to Cite

Dorado, V. ., Farías-Torbidoni, E.-I., & Morera, S. (2022). Methodological proposal 360º for the evaluation of overcrowding in mountain peaks. A case study. Pirineos, 177, e070.




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