Distribution, habitat of White-winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis) in Central Pyrenees (Aragon-Spain)





White-winged Snowfinch, Montifringilla nivalis, distribution, population, Pyrenees, Aragón


With the implementation of the Ornithological Atlas of Aragon, only a first approximation of status, distribution, habitat and abundance of the breeding population of the White-winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis) was generated in the Central Pyrenees (Aragón-Spain). In this article we have added, reviewed and updated information on the distribution, habitat and population of the White-winged Snowfinch in Aragón. In total 88 observations were made during the breeding season (May-August) between 1986-2015. The breeding sectors were located at an average of 2,446 ± 310 m.s.n.m. and 38.6% of records were made in areas with basic rocks. Numbers have increased in 43.4% of the distribution, compared to the data contained in the Atlas of Aragón 1998. The species is present in all the mountain ranges of the Aragonese Pyrenees, with the exception of Turbón and Acherito. Its presence is proven in an area of 76 km2, in which a total of 262 breeding pairs have been located. The potential occupation area is 658 km2, in which 1,823 pairs have been estimated, with an average density of 2.77 pp./ km2. With the information obtained from the species in Aragón (3.646 breeding individuals), the Alpine Sparrow should be the object of an update of its distribution and population in the Pyrenees (southern slope) and Spain.


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How to Cite

Gil, J. A., & Pérez, C. (2018). Distribution, habitat of White-winged Snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis) in Central Pyrenees (Aragon-Spain). Pirineos, 173, e039. https://doi.org/10.3989/pirineos.2018.173006


