The Aragón Pyrenees as a cultural landscape




Cultural landscapes, mountain heterogeneity, cultural adaptation, geoecological belts, terraced fields, land abandonment, landscape management


Cultural landscapes have been constructed along centuries as a consequence of the adaptation of distinct cultures to the heterogeneity of natural systems. They are the result of a series of collective initiatives that result in the superposition of distinct elements and historical periods. In mountain environments, the most influent factors for landscape construction have been the altitudinal organization of geoecological belts, the topographic and topoclimatic diversity, the population growth, the historical events (including the cultural superposition) and the influence of local and regional markets. The success of mountain societies depended on their knowledge on the environment and of the key role of gravity to control overland flow and soil erosion. For this reason, mountain areas needed a complex social and territorial organization, to face the adversities raised by climate and strong gradients. This effort implies a big energy waste for landscape conservation, although depopulation and land abandonment can lead to landscape deconstruction. This represents the loss of a cultural inheritance that could be an excellent example of the optimum way to manage natural resources and the mistakes from the past. In spite of recent changes, many rests of Pyrenean cultural landscapes still remain: closed fields that represent an increasing individualization of landscape management, hillslopes with terraced fields, panares (terraced fields cultivated with rye) in the upper montane belt, and the extensive subalpine grasslands, which correspond to the forest wasting to favour the transhumance movements.


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How to Cite

García Ruiz, J. M., & Lasanta, T. (2018). The Aragón Pyrenees as a cultural landscape. Pirineos, 173, e038.




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