Habitat suitability analysis for the wolf (Canis lupus) in Catalonia and the Eastern Pyrenees


  • Carla Garcia-Lozano Departamento de Geografía / Instituto de Medio Ambiente. Universitat de Girona
  • Josep Pintó Departamento de Geografía / Instituto de Medio Ambiente. Universitat de Girona
  • Josep Vila Subirós Departamento de Geografía / Instituto de Medio Ambiente. Universitat de Girona




Wolf (Canis lupus), habitat suitability, habitat availability, resistance surfaces, Pyrenees, Pre-Pyrenees


After decades of absence of the wolf (Canis lupus) in the Pyrenees, since the end of the decade of the nineties some solitary specimens were detected in the eastern half of the mountains. Wolf establishment will depend on several factors, among which it is worth mentioning specie conservation measures, habitat availability and landscape’s ecological connectivity. The present study analyzes the availability of suitable habitat for wolf in Catalonia and the French side of oriental Pyrenees, by means of a map of resistance surfaces for the predator based on seven territorial and environmental parameters. Afterwards, the most suitable zones have been selected and have been delimited those geographic areas which could be home for wolves in a near future. The results of the analysis confirm that one-third of the studied area constitutes an optimal habitat for wolf and around 90% of these spaces are provided with enough dimensions to hold stable wolves’ populations.


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How to Cite

Garcia-Lozano, C., Pintó, J., & Vila Subirós, J. (2015). Habitat suitability analysis for the wolf (Canis lupus) in Catalonia and the Eastern Pyrenees. Pirineos, 170, e014. https://doi.org/10.3989/Pirineos.2015.170007


