Using block counts and distance sampling to estimate populations of chamois


  • J. Herrero Area of Ecology. Technical School of Huesca. University of Zaragoza
  • A. García Serrano Ega Wildlife Consultants
  • C. Prada Ega Wildlife Consultants
  • O. Fernández Arberas Ega Wildlife Consultants



Rupicapra p. pyrenaica, block count, distance sampling, above the timberline, mountain environments, mountain ungulates, Pyrenees


This study compared the efficacies of total block counts (BC) and distance sampling (DS) procedures to estimate the abundance of chamois populations in two mountain massifs, Posets and Maladeta, Spain. In 2002, 2006, 2007, and 2008, chamois populations were surveyed along itineraries above the timberline, twice per year: in July, after the parturition period, and in November, during the rut. The latter survey was used to estimate the sex ratio and to correct the proportion of males present in July. In 2008, poor weather prevented surveys in November. In the DS procedure, we used the data collected using BC and calculated the distances of the mapped groups to the itinerary, using a Geographical Information System. In Posets, estimates of population densities derived using BC ranged from 5.5 to 9.1 chamois km-2, while those derived using DS ranged from 7.5 to 9.7 chamois km-2. In Maladeta, the estimates ranged from 3.4 to 5.4 chamois km-2 (BC) and from 4.6 to 8.5 chamois km-2 (DS). Coefficients of variation of DS ranged between 14% and 26%. In five of eight cases the counts of population size derived from BC were within the 95% confidence interval of the estimate derived from DS. In two of the other three cases, weather conditions created poor visibility during the rut, and few chamois were seen and, consequently, the rut sex ratio could not be estimated. BC provided objective, high-quality counts of chamois populations and it is easy to obtain, even if its efficacy can be constrained by the need of simultaneous itineraries and an underestimation of unknown magnitude. DS does not require sampling throughout the entire area above the timberline, and generates an estimate and a confidence interval; however, calculations require some skill and sample size must be high (n > 300 groups observed to produce a CV < 15%), which represents a sampling effort at least as large as the one derived from BC. BC represents a valuable tool and, it should continue to be used to estimate minimum population size and the derived hunting quotas.


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How to Cite

Herrero, J., García Serrano, A., Prada, C., & Fernández Arberas, O. (2011). Using block counts and distance sampling to estimate populations of chamois. Pirineos, 166, 123–133.




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