Elements for a phylogeography of Iberian wild goat (Capra pyrenaica Schinz, 1838)


  • Ricardo García-González Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC)




Caprinae, Iberian wild goat, distribution, phylogeny, horn biometry, palaeontology, genetics


In order to provide some issues for a future study of Capra pyrenaica phylogeography I review classic and recent works considering data of genetic studies known to date, as well as recent findings related to paleontology and biometrics. C. pyrenaica has experienced several population bottlenecks throughout its history that have led to a loss of genetic diversity. In addition, numerous recent translocations and population reinforcements can complicate the clarification of intraspecific genetic differentiation. I review current theories about the evolution of the species. One of them establishes a recent evolution (past 18,000 years) from ancestors related to C. caucasica. I analyze in some detail the morphological characters (mainly teeth and horns) on which this theory is based, showing their high variability. Present genetic studies show a clear relationship between C. pyrenaica and Alpine ibex (C. i. ibex). They also show a north-south genetic differentiation between Iberian goats, occupying the Pyrenean goats (C. p. pyrenaica) an intermediate position between Alpine ibex and southern Iberian goats. Recent paleontological findings evidence an ancient presence (Lower Pleistocene) of Capra in the Iberian Peninsula. I propose the hypothesis that the descendants of these ancient goats, may have come into contact with C. ibex in the Pyrenees and southern France, one or more times during the Upper Pleistocene. Intermediate characteristics, both genetic and biometric, of the extinct Pyrenean goats, would agree with this hypothesis. New paleontological records and more genetic studies (including fossil and recent materials) are necessary, to elucidate both the phylogeny of C. pyrenaica and its intraspecific diversification.


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How to Cite

García-González, R. (2011). Elements for a phylogeography of Iberian wild goat (Capra pyrenaica Schinz, 1838). Pirineos, 166, 87–122. https://doi.org/10.3989/pirineos.2011.166005




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