Management of roe deer in Zaragoza: from conservation to population control


  • J. Ferreres Ebronatura S.L.
  • M. A. Escudero Ebronatura S.L.
  • E. Ferrer SODEMASA
  • J. Marco Ebronatura S.L.



Roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, Management, Hunting quota, Population monitoring, Fecal abundance, Spotlight counts, Aragon


As it has happened with other wild ungulates in Europe, the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population in Aragon has suffered a considerable expansion during the last two decades. In the Iberian Mountains of Zaragoza (SIZ) this process come along with an increasing sporting interest in the species and the raising of conflicts due to crop damage, mainly on fruit trees and vineyards. The Government of Aragon is responsible of managing big game populations and fixes the hunting quotas. During the elaboration of hunting plans it has to consider different and even opposite interests and points of view, so availability of reliable population trends it is essential for the management of these populations. It has been developed a scheme for monitoring roe deer population in Aragon based on strip transect counts of pellet groups. This information is complemented by the sightings of roe deer during a fox and lagomorph monitoring scheme based on spotlight counts from car. In the Iberian Mountain System of Zaragoza, between 2005 and 2009, the survey results point that the roe deer abundance has doubled, and the mean density reaches 5.4 ± 0.33 roe deer/km2. Initially, management plans followed a conservative criterion in order to keep the population growing, with a moderate extraction rate, still hunt and a balanced sex-specific quota. Due to the positive trend of the species and the necessity of reducing damage caused to agriculture, mainly fruit trees, the management goals change to population control and it was decided to increase hunting pressure: hunting season was extended, hunting drives with dogs are authorized and the extraction rate is raised. Although the hunting quota fulfillment is close to 80%, and the number of shot deer has increased from 193 in 2005 to 1.084 in 2009, until now there is no reduction in the population growth.


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How to Cite

Ferreres, J., Escudero, M. A., Ferrer, E., & Marco, J. (2011). Management of roe deer in Zaragoza: from conservation to population control. Pirineos, 166, 69–86.




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