Response in a headwater catchment during storm-flow events (Aixola, Basque Country).


  • A. Zabaleta Grupo de Hidrogeología y Medio Ambiente, Departamento de Geodinámica, Universidad del País Vasco- Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • I. Antigüedad Grupo de Hidrogeología y Medio Ambiente, Departamento de Geodinámica, Universidad del País Vasco- Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea



Discharge, suspended sediment concentration, electrical conductivity, single flood events, hysteretic loops, headwater catchment


Turbidity (T, FNU), discharge (Q, l/s) and precipitation (P, mm) are being continuously monitored in the gauging station located at the outlet of Aixola catchment (Gipuzkoa, 5 km2) since October 2003. Several data sets recorded during flood events occurred between 2003 and 2005 were used to estimate continuous suspended sediment concentration (SSC). Electrical conductivity was also measured in samples taken during runoff events. Several event (discharge, precipitation and suspended sediment concentration) and pre-event (discharge and precipitation) factors are calculated for all the events registered. With them a correlation matrix was developed. Good correlation between precipitation (P), discharge (Q) and suspended sediment (SS) variables is found in general but pre-event conditions don’t show correlation with event parameters. Analysis of SSC-discharge evolutions through the events showed that four different kinds of hysteretic loops can be observed in Aixola. Hysteretic loops have also been related to event and pre-event factors. Evolution of electrical conductivity of waters during events shows that the catchment has a considerable regulation capacity.


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How to Cite

Zabaleta, A., & Antigüedad, I. (2010). Response in a headwater catchment during storm-flow events (Aixola, Basque Country). Pirineos, 165, 237–258.


