Fenomorfología y estrategias funcionales de los principales tipos de caméfitos leñosos mediterráneos del Prepirineo


  • S. Palacio Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (C. S. I. C.).




Mediterranean sub-shrubs, morphology, leaf-habi, phenology, seasonal dimorphism, ecological strategies, NE Spain


Mediterranean sub-shrubs dominate extensive areas in all mediterranean regions of the world where the high levels of stress or the frequent disturbances limit the development of trees or tall shrubs. However, despite their high ecological relevance, these plants have been much less studied than mediterranean trees and shrubs. Little is know, for example, about the different ecological strategies found within them. Indeed, these species show a great diversity of growth forms which seems indicative of their great functional diversity. This note analyzes the phenological and morphological characteristics of the main types of mediterranean sub-shrubs that grow naturally along the Prepyrenees. The main objective is to assess the ecological and functional strategies of these plants by the study of the mechanisms that enable them to withstand the stress and disturbances typical of the environments in which they grow.


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How to Cite

Palacio, S. (2006). Fenomorfología y estrategias funcionales de los principales tipos de caméfitos leñosos mediterráneos del Prepirineo. Pirineos, 161, 159–170. https://doi.org/10.3989/pirineos.2006.v161.8




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