4D global montology: toward convergent and transdisciplinary mountain sciences across time and space





Montology, consilience, noetics, geocriticism, sentient mountainscapes, convergent mountain science, transdisciplinary


With mountain studies we use integrative approaches for geoliteracy about productive socioecological landscapes, and motivate further transdisciplinary research in montology. We conceived this white paper as a confluence of individual expertise and collective reasoning towards forming synergistic research clusters dealing with convergent mountain science, to advance montology to a new level, whereby innovative thinking about sustainability science and regenerative development incorporates alternative propositions for maintenance, improvement, or regeneration of living conditions of mountainscapes. We seek to use this contemporary framing of sustainability and ecological restoration as the impetus to better understand nature-culture relations, framed on lived-in mountains that operate in four dimensions (length, width, depth, and time) oriented at maximizing the cross-cutting of themes around mountains as productive socioecological systems, in a new academic institutionalized convergent unit. We conclude with a call for consilient, sustainable, regenerative development in the world’s mountains.


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How to Cite

Sarmiento, F. O., Haller, A., Marchant, C., Yoshida, M., Leigh, D. S., Woosnam, K., Porinchu, D. F., Gandhi, K., King, E. G., Pistone, M., Kavoori, A., Calabria, J., Alcántara-Ayala, I., Chávez, R., Gunya, A., Yépez, A., Lee, S., & Reap, J. (2023). 4D global montology: toward convergent and transdisciplinary mountain sciences across time and space. Pirineos, 178, e075. https://doi.org/10.3989/pirineos.2023.178001




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