Water poverty index (WPI) evaluation in Borujerd-Dorood watershed (Iran) to reinforce land management plans





Water Scarcity, Hydrological issues, Karoon river basin, Mountain water resources


Water poverty index (WPI) is widely considered a simple and clear tool to evaluate the effects of combined factors on water shortage and resources stress. In this research, we tried to focus on water tensions in the upstream part of the Karoon basin in Iran for analyzing the water status of the area. For this purpose, the required data were firstly obtained by preparing a report from the Water Authority, Agricultural part, and the Water and Wastewater Organization of Borujerd County. Then, the value of the WPI was estimated at the sub-basin scale of the large Karoon River in the Borujerd-Dorood Watershed (Iran) considering as a resource, the possibility to access, socio-economic capacity, uses, and environmental quality criteria. Results of this research indicated a variation range between 6.6 and 18.2, obtaining the lowest point for its current environmental condition and the highest point due to the easy access. The highest values of each criterion show the better conditions that lead to less water poverty in that sub-basin area. In general, the value of WPI in the study area is approximately 67.65, according to the classification of the Ecology and Hydrology center of Wallingford, this sub-basin is placed in a low to moderate range of water poverty. Given the multidimensional nature of the WPI and considering all the factors affecting the availability or lack of water resources as well as economic and social implications for the rural inhabitants devoted to agriculture and pasture, we conclude that this index can be considered as a useful tool in prioritizing the critical areas and an effective step to develop optimal use of water resources.


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How to Cite

Goodarzi, M. ., Mohtar, R. H. ., Kiani-Harchegani, M. ., Faraji, A. ., Mankavi, F. ., & Rodrigo-Comino, J. . (2021). Water poverty index (WPI) evaluation in Borujerd-Dorood watershed (Iran) to reinforce land management plans. Pirineos, 176, e064. https://doi.org/10.3989/pirineos.2021.176002




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