Phenology of the high-mountain ecosystems in Andalusia: Seasonal trend analysis of SAVI (2000-2019)




Oromediterranean, Cryomediterranean, seasons, land surface phenology, remote sensing of vegetation


The high-mountain plant landscapes are a unique ecosystem in the southernmost region of the Iberian Peninsula, where the favourable season overlaps with a period of drought. In this work, we used the satellite images of the Terra-MODIS sensor to perform a seasonal trend analysis based on the Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) of 460 satellite images with a 16-day frequency, and applied to the surfaces covered by the plant communities of the oromediterranean and cryomediterranean bioclimatic levels in Andalusia, in order to provide the seasonal trend curves modelled (or fitted) for the first (2000) and last (2019) year of the time series. The results obtained allowed characterizing the typical phenological curve of these ecosystems, with minimums in winter (February) and maximums in spring-summer (May-June and July-August, respectively), later at higher altitudes, due to the effect of temperature. In this sense, we detected a general increase of the SAVI, an earlier start of the greening phase, that culminated by an increase in maximum greening and followed by an extension of the growing season. In conclusion, the high-mountain ecosystems in Andalusia show a general seasonal trend.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. (2020). Phenology of the high-mountain ecosystems in Andalusia: Seasonal trend analysis of SAVI (2000-2019). Pirineos, 175, e055.




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