The snow tourist areas in Spain. Territorial perspective and typological revision




Ski station, snow touristic space, influence area, classification design


The facilities for the practice of winter sports in the Spanish mountains have contributed to produce touristic spaces associated with ski resorts. The current study approaches, from the different mountain’s classifications, touristic space combined with the practice of winter sports, a proposal of classification of the touristic snow area in Spain. For this purpose, an inventory of the 33 stations belonging to ATUDEM has been drawn up, which includes 28 alpine and 5 Nordic ski centers. First of all, a bibliographic review was carried out with special attention to the attempts to classify these spaces carried out in the area of the Alps and also in Spain. From the extensive inventory of Spanish stations and after developing territorial diagrams for each case in order to study the geographical relationships between spatial components, a classification of the snow tourism space is proposed, and its main characteristics are described. The four possible typologies are: 1. Multinuclear and polyvalent complex spaces. Ski resorts associated with tourist complexes, 2. Mononuclear and specialized single spaces that make up isolated ski resorts with tourist urbanization. 3. Mononuclear and specialized single spaces that make up isolated ski resort with hotel or tourist apartments and 4. Mononuclear and specialized single spaces that make up an isolated ski resort without accommodation in the immediate area.


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How to Cite

Ramón Ojeda, A. A., & López Rivero, S. (2019). The snow tourist areas in Spain. Territorial perspective and typological revision. Pirineos, 174, e046.


