Visitors to Alt Pirineu Natural Park and the practice of recreational and sports activities. A segmentation proposal


  • E. I. Farías Consultoría Socioambiental Ecogestión (Lleida) - GISEAFE Afores
  • S. Monserrat HE Sport Management- Loughborough College



Recreational and sports activities, visitor segmentation, protected natural areas


In recent years there has been a large increase in the practice of recreational and sports activities in protected natural areas. As part of the planning and management of public use of these areas, is essential to a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the visitors. This study analyzes the characteristics of the different segments of visitors to Alt Pirineu Natural Park based on recreational and sports activities practiced. For this study, 1.600 surveys were conducted in 16 sampling points over a calendar year between the months of July 2010 and June 2011. In total we identified eight segments of visitors based on physical activity: walkers, recreational hikers, hikers, mountaineer, cyclists, mushroom picker, off road driver and skier. The results obtained here are discussed in terms of their possible applicability in the management of public use of this park and other protected natural areas and also for the development of management strategies and awareness campaigns aimed at different segments of visitors.


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How to Cite

Farías, E. I., & Monserrat, S. (2014). Visitors to Alt Pirineu Natural Park and the practice of recreational and sports activities. A segmentation proposal. Pirineos, 169, e005.


