Fluctuación estacional y dinámica microbiana en una catena afectada por el abandono del cultivo en la cuenca del Guadalentin (Murcia)


  • A. Cerdà Fysisch Geographisch Bodemkunding Laboratorium. Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • A. García-Álvarez Fysisch Geographisch Bodemkunding Laboratorium. Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • L. H. Cammeraat Fysisch Geographisch Bodemkunding Laboratorium. Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • A. C. Imeson Fysisch Geographisch Bodemkunding Laboratorium. Universiteit van Amsterdam




Land abandonment, Microbial biomass, Aggregate stability, Seasonal fluctuations


Soil biological activity is partly determined by human activity. Areas with Pinus halepensis, have the highest microbial carbon contents (1.200 μg C g-1), while soils situated between tussocks of Stipa tenacissima and the abandoned fields have values of 300 μg C g-1 . Alivays, cultivated soils have a very low or negligible microbial activity (< 150 μg C g-1). In every case, except in the ploughed field, an increase in microbial carbon biomass occurs between June and February.
The aggregate stability shows a similar spatial distribution as the microbial biomass. Pinus halepensis has soils with more stable aggregates than elsewhere. The soil in the area between tussocks of Stipa tenacissima is slightly more stable than the cultivated soil. Abandoned areas show intermediate behaviour, although this varies from season to season.
The soil aggregate stability shows a clear spatial correspondence with microbial carbon biomass. This occurs at different season, although there is a period of delay that maybe different for each soil type.


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How to Cite

Cerdà, A., García-Álvarez, A., Cammeraat, L. H., & Imeson, A. C. (1995). Fluctuación estacional y dinámica microbiana en una catena afectada por el abandono del cultivo en la cuenca del Guadalentin (Murcia). Pirineos, 145-146, 3–11. https://doi.org/10.3989/pirineos.1995.v145-146.143


