
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I've read Editorial CSIC's Good Practice Code and comply with all its guidelines.
  • The Authorship, good publication practice and copyright transfer statement is filled and signed, and it'll be added to the submission.
  • The article has not been previously published, and has not been sent to another journal for consideration.
  • The submission is an original work and does not violate the copy and reproduction rights of other authored works. If necessary, the author has written permit for the reproduced work and a copy will also be submited.
  • The person making the submission has been authorized by all the article authors to submit and act as their spokesperson in front of the journal during the review, editing and publishing processes.
  • I have consulted and applied the journal's Research data policy.
  • The article is adapted to the Microsoft Word template provided by the journal.
  • The text adheres to the length, format, references, citation of figures, tables and equations (if applicable), and bibliography requirements outlined in the journal guidelines.
  • Each of the authors has been identified including the following data:
    - Given name (in full form) and family name(s).
    - Email contact address.
    - Country of professional activity.
    - Institutional affiliation.
    - Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID).
  • strong>TWO versions of the article are sent. The first one is a Microsoft Word, LibreOffice or compatible file, which includes all the information related to the authors as well as the images, tables and any other graphic content. A second file, in PDF format, includes the same content as the first file, but excludes any information that may help to identify the author(s): name and affiliation, self-citations, personal notes, metadata of the PDF file, etc. The second version will be used for the peer review process. For the removal of metadata you can use specific software or one of the many free tools available on the Internet.

Author Guidelines

Download HERE the Good Practice Code in PDF
Download HERE the Authorship Form in PDF


The journal Pirineos publishes works dealing with the dynamics of mountain ecosystems, that is, with processes and relationships established between living beings and their environment, in the highest regions on Earth. Therefore it tries to explain the global functioning of mountainous areas and the spatial organization of processes and resources, with an integrated perspective in which man performs an important role. The journal accepts original works with new and important scientific data on Mountain Ecology, especially those containing information about the extant fluxes between subsystems, the influence of man in the evolution and dynamics of mountain environment, the trophic relationships between living beings and the functioning of different features that constitute the basis of mountain ecosystems.

To be accepted, the paper will be sent at least to two referees.

Submitted articles should follow the format of the template provided by the journal, which can be downloaded HERE. Manuscripts may be submitted in Spanish, English or French and their length should not exceed 25 pages. Nevertheless, when a longer paper proves to be of extraordinary importance, the Direction of Pirineos may exceptionally accept it. All articles should include, after the title and the name(s) of the author(s), a summary (12 lines maximum) in Spanish and in two other international languages, preferably English, French or German. Should the author find any difficulties in the writing of the summary in Spanish, the Direction of Pirineos can undertake translation.

The complete address of the author(s) sould be clearly indicated at the foot of the first page.

Authors must include a valid ORCID identifier along with the authors’ filiation. Authors without this personal identifier can register free of charge in to complete this data. When the article is signed by several authors, it is required to include the ORCID of all of them.

Drawings should be executed in black India ink and carefully lettered. The submission will be in TIFF or JPG format files, all of them saved in a single ZIP or RAR compressed file. Each illustration should have one arabic number. The text of the legend at the foot of each drawing should be written on a separate sheet in the original language of the paper and in English. If the article is written in English, the editors should also include the text acompanying the figures in Spanish. Photographs should observe the same rules. Maps should always indicate the scale and North. Authors will be charged when they submit colour drawings, colour photographs or any expensive change.

References to publications in the text should be made by name of author, the year of publication and, when necessary, the page numbers, the last two should be in parentheses.

The list of references, alphabetically ordered should appear at the end of the paper. In this list the name of the author should be followed by the year of publication, the complete title of the work, the name of the journal in italics, and both volume and page numbers. For example:

Ackroyd, P. (1986). Debris transport by avalanche. Torlesse Range, New Zealand. Z. Geomorph., 30 (1): 1-14.

For books, titles should be in italics and should be followed by the name of the publisher, the number of pages and the place of publication. For example:

Creus, J. (1983). El clima del Alto Aragón Occidental. Instituto de Estudios Pirenaicos, 223 pp., Jaca.

If, in the references, there are two or more books or papers with the same author and the same year of publication, a lower case a, b, etc, should be added to the year of publication both in the reference list and in the references in the body of the text.

Authors will receive proofs. Once corrected, they should be immediately returned to the publishers.

Each author will receive 50 free copies of his/her paper. Additional reprints are available at cost price.

Pirineos also includes a section of Notes that will be subjected to the same rules as longer papers. They should not exceed 8 pages and should not be accompanied by a summary. Only a maximum of two drawings willbe accepted. Authors will receive 50 free copies.

Bibliographical reviews on very interesting topics will be accepted. Their length should not exceed 3 pages. Authors will not receive any reprint, but will receive a copy of the issue Pirineos in which his review is published.

Authors kindly accept to transfer to the Journal the correspondent reproduction and exploitation rights of their articles.


Below you will find instructions for the following procedures:

- How to register at Pirineos

- How to send an original manuscript to Pirineos

- How to check a revision report and submit a revised version of a manuscript


How to register at Pirineos

1.- On the journal's website, click on the link "Register":


2.- On the registration page you will have to fill in all the fields (the "Family name" field is optional, although highly recommended) using lower case only for your email, username and password. After reading the Privacy Statement you will need to consent to the collection and storage of your data and complete the Captcha. Receiving notifications of new publications and notices is optional.


3.- You will receive a message with a link to activate your account at the provided email address. Once activated, you will be able to log in to your account with the credentials you created.


How to send an original manuscript to Pirineos

1.- On the magazine's website, log in by clicking on "Login":


2.- Enter your username and password. Once you return to the magazine's homepage, click on the "Make a Submission" button:

Before submitting, please review the "Submission Preparation Checklist" and read the "Author Guidelines", the "Copyright Notice" and the "Privacy Statement". When you have all the required documents ready, click on the link "Make a new submission".

In subsequent logins, you will be taken to your user dashboard. There press the ‘New Submission’ button to submit a new article. You will be shown any articles received and in process under the ‘My Queue’ tab):


3.- As you will see on the new submissions page, submitting a manuscript is a four-stage process, in addition to a final section with information on follow-up:

3.1.- "1. Start"

At this stage you must select the language in which the article is written and the section of the journal in which you think it would fit, you must indicate that you have prepared all the items on the "Submission requirements" list and, optionally, you may send comments to the editor. You must comply with the terms of the Copyright Statement and the collection and storage of your data as the author of the article in accordance with the Privacy Statement of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Then press the "Save and continue" button.


3.2.- "2. Upload submission"

In this phase, the files that make up the article and its additional documentation will be uploaded to the management module.

There are three parts to upload each file. In the first one, we will select which component of the article we are going to contribute and we will upload the corresponding file. Once uploaded, click on the "Continue" button. In the second part we will see the file metadata, with the possibility to edit them, but we will click "Continue" without making this edition.

In the third part, select "Add Another File", going back to "1. Upload file" and, without modifying the default option "This is not a revision of an existing file", select the new "Article Component" identifying what it is and uploading the file. Click "Continue" until you reach, once again, step "3. Confirm". This process must be repeated until all the files have been sent, and only when all the material has been uploaded should the "Complete" button be selected.

If after "Completing" the submission we realise that we have forgotten to upload a file, we can do so by selecting the "Upload File" button located in the upper right-hand corner of the "2. Upload Submission" tab:

Once all the submission files have been uploaded, we will press the "Save and continue" button.


3.3.- "3. Enter Metadata"

In this phase the author will enter the metadata of the article according to the journal guidelines. These are:

- Title in Spanish and English. If the article is written in another language, it will be introduced first this language and then in English.

- Summary or abstract in the same languages as the previous item.

- List of contributors. Although it was not necessary when registering as a journal user, in this section it is compulsory for authors to have their ORCID identifier and affiliation correctly indicated. If necessary, the information of additional authors will be added using the link "Add contributor":

- Keywords. The article keywords will be inserted in both languages. The entire list cannot be copied, must be entered one term at a time pressing "Enter" after each one.

- Funding data. The entities that have supported the research published in the article must be indicated. After selecting "Add funder", the name of the funder should be inserted again, which will trigger an internal search that will return the institution standardised name and DOI. If the institution does not have a DOI, it will not be able to register in this field. After entering the grant numbers, click on "Save".

To finish this phase of entering metadata, click on the "Save and continue" button.


3.4.- "4. Confirmation" y "5. Next steps"

In this last phase we will confirm the submission metadata recording linked to the uploaded files. Before clicking on the "Finish Submission" button, we can go back to the previous phases and review the information and files provided to check that they are all correct.

Once we click on the "Finish Submission" button, the article will be sent to the journal and its staff will contact you to continue with the process, as indicated in the "5. Next Steps" section.


How to check a revision report and submit a revised version of a manuscript

Once your submission has been reviewed, the journal's staff will send you a review report. Once received, you must log in to the journal and, in the "Submissions" section of your dashboard, you will be able to check that your submission is in the Review phase and, if the editorial staff has requested, whether it is necessary to make any modifications or revisions to the manuscript:

By clicking on the title of your submission, you will be taken to the workflow of your submission and you will be able to check the information related to the its review. You will find the notifications that the editorial staff has sent you, the attachments that the reviewers may have attached and, if requested, the possibility to provide a new version of the manuscript with the requested modifications by clicking on the "Upload file" button:


Research data policy

We recommend authors depositing data obtained from the research developed for the preparation of their article in repositories of recognized prestige, specific to the discipline or of a generalist nature. In any case, it must be a FAIR repository (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), preferably in open access.

There are several repositories destined to conserve and disseminate concrete data such as results of surveys, observations, interviews, simulations, automatically collected data, samples, models ... If necessary, authors can consult the Registry of Research Data Repositories re3data taking into account that each repository has its own deposit rules.

Those CSIC authors who would like to deposit their datasets in Digital.CSIC may do so by following these guidelines. They can use the Servicio de Archivo Delegado made available by the Technical Office of DIGITAL.CSIC and the Red de Bibliotecas CSIC.

DIGITAL.CSIC generates DOIs for datasets and associated software and is certified as data repository in re3data and Repository Finder. More information at Política de datos en Digital.CSIC.

If the author has deposited datasets in a repository, he should mention it in the article providing a brief description of the type of data deposited, the name and URL of the repository, the identification code and the data of the license for use and distribution. This information must be included at the end of the article, immediately before the bibliographic listing, under the heading "Data availability".

Download HERE the Good Practice Code in PDF
Download HERE the Authorship Form in PDF

Privacy Statement

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has a record of data processing activities. Data collected through this form will be incorporated and processed in the “Gestión de las actividades de producción y distribución de las publicaciones del CSIC” treatment activity of Editorial CSIC, in order to manage the requested service. It is the responsibility of Editorial CSIC to manage this record. If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us through the contact address Vitruvio, 8, 28006 Madrid, Spain, e-mail address Data processing is legitimized by the consent of the affected. The data may not be transferred to third parties except in the cases provided for in current regulations on the protection of personal data. You have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You have the right to withdraw your consent. In the event that you wish -or want to exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, limitation or portability- you can do so through the following form. You can also contact the CSIC Officer for Data Protection via email: